Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category
Pete Scazzero – Lessons from the Monestary (Sermon)
Bad authority smothers people and tries to control them. Good authority covers in a protecting way, but wants to release people to be all they can be for God.
Pete Scazzero – Lessons from the Monestary (Sermon)
I have been thinking about leadership a lot lately. While listening to this unique look at monastic living in modern society this leadership quote struck me. The quote comes from this video at about 31:30.

Andy Piercy – Stewards of Life and Time (Sermon)
Us who live performance based identity lives in a performance based identity culture must not slip back into a medieval way of thinking that we are earning God’s pleasure. Or even God’s approval or worse still we’re earning our salvation. That is done. We have our salvation.
Andy Piercy – Stewards of Life and Time (Sermon)

Viktor E. Frankl – Man’s Search For Meaning (page 43)
Humor was another of the soul’s weapons in the fight for self-preservation. It is well known humor, more than anything else in the human make-up, can afford an aloofness and an ability to rise above any situation, even if only for a few seconds.
Viktor Frankl – Man’s Search For Meaning (page 43)

Psalm 86 – The Bible (verses 5-15)
You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you… give me an undivided heart that I may fear you name… But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Psalm 86 – The Bible (verses 5-15)

C.S. Lewis – The Weight Of Glory (page 31)
…but remember your fairy tales. Spells are used for breaking enchantments as well as for inducing them. And you and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness which has been laid upon us for nearly a hundred years.
C.S. Lewis – The Weight Of Glory (page 31)

Peter Scazzero – Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (page 182)
Recognizing the uniqueness and separateness of every other person on earth is so pivotal to emotional maturity.
Peter Scazzero – Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (page 182)

Thomas Merton – No Man Is An Island (page 205)
The most important thing in prayer is that we present ourselves as we are before God as He is. This cannot be done without a generous effort of recollection and self-searching. But if we are sincere, our prayer will never be fruitless. Our sincerity itself establishes an instant contact with the God of all truth.
Thomas Merton – No Man Is An Island (page 205)

Peter Scazzero – Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (page 112)
God never loses any of our past for his future when we surrender ourselves to him. Every mistake, sin, and detour we take in the journey of life is taken by God and becomes his gift for a future of blessing.
Peter Scazzero – Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (page 112)

Thomas Merton – No Man Is an Island (page 153)
All vocations are intended by God to manifest His love in the world. For each special calling gives a man some particular place in the Mystery of Christ, gives him something to do for the salvation of all mankind.
Thomas Merton – No Man Is an Island (page 153)

Thomas Merton – No Man Is An Island (page 137)
The greatest temptations are not those that solicit our consent to obvious sin, but those that offer us great evils masking as the greatest goods
Thomas Merton – No Man Is An Island (page 137)